The WorkFaith Podcast

Hardship Can Be A Competitive Edge with Rennie Curran 

Episode Summary

Anthony and Rennie Curran, CEO of Game Changer Coaching, discuss how Rennie leveraged the fact he was cut from the NFL, as well as what it looks like to do everything with excellence, even in the valley of your faith.

Episode Notes

"While everyone was talking...I knew in my heart of hearts that God gave me things that could not be measured. You can't measure faith, you can't measure will, you can't measure heart." For Rennie Curran, CEO of Game Changer Coaching, hardship became his leverage to a better future and a stronger faith. In this week’s podcast, Anthony and Rennie discuss how Rennie leveraged the fact he was cut from the NFL, as well as what it looks like to do everything with excellence, even in the valley of your faith. Rennie challenges listeners to ask themselves, “How can I build myself to empower those around me? What things do I need to give my time to, and what does God need to strip away? Where is He leading me?” Whether you're religious or not, we believe this episode will provide you with a new perspective on faith and work. Listen now!

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